
My artistic practice is situative and follows an investigative and relational approach. It focuses on the significant micro-histories and socio-political contexts that can reveal how power relations emerge and persist in today’s system. Through trans- and non-disciplinary research and in close exchange with involved actors, I explore the rapidly changing fields of corporality, nature, labor, and education, exposing exploitative dynamics, repressed histories, and the construction of normative frameworks. The resulting artistic interventions and immersive installations employ a range of media encompassing film, photography, everyday objects, drawings, sculpture, and archive materials.



Dejan Marković (*1983, Belgrade, Yugoslavia) lives and works between Berlin, Graz, and Belgrade.

Teaching and research

2017-2022, Curatorial Design. A place between, art-based research project FWF PEEK, Austria
2016-2020, The Incomputable. Art in the Age of Algorithms, art-based research project FWF PEEK, Austria
2015-2020, Institute for Contemporary Art, Graz University of Technology, Austria


2009-2011 M.A., University of Arts, Berlin, Faculty of Fine Arts, Germany
2002-2007 MfA, University of Arts, Belgrade, Faculty of Applied Arts, Serbia

Recent solo shows

2021, Rebellious Books, Arbeiterkammer Steiermark, Graz (AT)
2021, Arbeiterwille: An (Im)possible Movement, Public space, Citypark Graz (AT)
2021, Polyphonic Assemblage, Kunsthaus Graz (AT)
2018, Shape of Things Before my Eyes, Studio of the New Gallery Graz (AT)
2017, State of Nature, Salon of the Museum of Contemporary Art, Belgrade (RS)

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